Nov 10, 2011

Posted by Unknown |
So I have been reading a book by John Piper called God is the Gospel for the past month or so.  The astounding truth that Piper discusses in this work is the reality that greatest good in the gospel is that we get to see the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ (2 Cor. 4:4-6).  When most people think about what the gospel means and why it's good, even most Christians, they think about the covering of our sins and the imputed righteousness that we receive from Jesus.  Although these things are central to the gospel, they would not be "good" Piper says, if we were not able to see and experience the glory of God in Christ.  Seeing and experiencing the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ brings with it the covering of our sins and the imputed righteousness of Christ we receive freely.

That word "gospel" is thrown around a lot and most people believe that they understand it in its entirety. However we can not go deep enough into the gospel because we cannot go deep enough into an eternal God.  Piper says on page 47, "The gospel is not a way to get people to heaven; it is a way to get people to God."  If we are missing this truth, then the gospel we believe is not the whole gospel, it is a surface-level gospel.  Its as if we are digging for gold and we finally find some small nuggets.  We are satisfied and then we stop digging.  As C.S. Lewis so brilliantly put it "We are far too easily pleased."  If we would keep digging, there we would find a treasure far beyond our wildest dreams, one that never ends.  This is the easily looked over reality of the gospel .  If we would only keep digging deeper and deeper into the "good news," we would discover what really makes the good news really good; God himself!


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