The biggest thing about me that I should have mentioned already is that I am a follower of Christ. You might have assumed that because I work for a church, but unfortunately that's not always the case these days. He is all I have, and all I have is His. I live for His kingdom because it's the only thing that will last beyond this dying world that we live in. And don't get it twisted, it's not dying because God can't sustain it. It's dying because we stained it. We broke it. Why? Because we worshipped it, and not Him who made it. Sin. That's what it's called. And until Jesus returns and completes His kingdom the world will continue on that way. But Praise God! He made us a way out of it. A way to be brought back even though we ran. A way to accepted even though we rejected. A way to be adopted even though we were orphans. A way to be clean even though we were rolling around in the filth of sin. A way to be free even though we chose to be slaves.
What is that way you ask? He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. The God-man Jesus Christ. The one who lived the perfect life we were supposed to live. The one who died the death we should have died for our sins. The perfect sacrifice for the sins of the world. But not only did He die for our sins, he rose from the grave to give us new life! A life where there is power to defeat sin, power to crush pride, power to turn the other cheek, power to not sell out for cheap thrills this world throws at us. In Christ we are new creations the Bible says. Just like He created a world out of darkness, so in Christ we stand as new creations, new beating hearts that he creates out of dark ones, out of dead ones. The same amazing thing that God did in creating the universe is the same thing that he is doing every day by bringing a lost sinner home, by bringing a dead soul to life. Jesus calls us to be ambassadors, messengers of this message, the message of Christ. In Christ this is why we live. So the dead might have life. So the lost might be found. So the blind might have sight. So the broken may be restored. So the hopeless can have hope. So the stained may be clean. So the fatherless can have a father. So the poor can be rich. So the lame may walk. So that the nations may worship Him, Jesus as Lord! For that is why we were created in the first place. We are simply working to restore everything to it's created purpose. And we cannot fail, for the Lord promises make all things new(Revelation 21:5)!
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