I have been having a hard time trusting in God's sovereignty and his faithfulness this past week, until tonight! At choir practice, Chris the choir director had me stand up and he briefly explained what I am doing this summer and how I needed financial support to go. I was unprepared to talk about the trip because I did not know I was gonna talk tonight. So, I didn't have any support letters or anything to write names and emails on. However, even with the lack of preparation, I had a guy come up to me and pledge to give me $200! That to me was amazing because he did not know hardly any details, just that I was going to serve the mission of God this summer overseas. Its with little encouragements like these that God uses to build my faith in him and his power. I am continuing to trust in his promises and in the fact that he LOVES me and will use me because I want to be sold out for the gospel. I can't wait to see and experience the further explosions of faith that he will produce within me. Please continue to pray for me and my support as I still have a long way to go. Pray that I can raise $3000 by March 28th. I hope this can be an encouragement to anyone who is reading this and that it will cause you to give praise to the Lord for little provisions in your own life that you take for granted every day. Until next time, hopefully another support update!
Slave to righteousness
Slave to righteousness
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