Feb 22, 2011

Posted by Unknown |
Okay so I sent out my first wave of support letters yesterday(19 of them to be exact).  Every time I enter in to the process of support raising, I always get nervous when I send out those first letters.  I get nervous because I know that in a weeks time, I will be calling the folks who hopefully received my letter(and read it!).  From here on out it's nothing but faith and patience in God and his promises.  I am reading a book called Worship Matters by Bob Kauflin and in it he says that "God can use us, but he doesn't need us"(page 46).  This rang out to me like a fire alarm in the middle of a night that is so quiet you can barely hear the crickets.  I came to realize that it is a distinct privilege and honor to be used by God to further his Kingdom.  He is going to accomplish his purposes one way or another(Isaiah 55:10-12), with or without us.  If God chooses to call me to be a part of his plan, this is an eternal privilege.

How does this relate to support raising?

Since it is a privilege to be used by God, it is a privilege to walk the path towards what it is God wants to use you for(ultimately to glorify him).  In my case, raising support should be a privilege for me!  I should be ecstatic about calling the next person on my list and overjoyed that I get to invite others to join in my mission, God's mission.  It is an honor because I get to see how even in the midst of my circumstances, God is working for my  good(Romans 8:28).  Raising support begs the question: Do I believe God is really good?

Now all that said, the concept is easier to grasp than the reality of it.  Just because I understand intellectually, doesn't mean I am experiencing spiritually and emotionally.  If I miss out on the joy that should come hand in hand with this process, I am missing the truth of God's promises and ultimately the Gospel.  If I don't believe that God is good to me in this, how can I truly believe that God is good to me through the cross?  The point of support raising is not to raise a bunch of money, the point is to be able to enjoy the faithfulness of God.

Before I get too lengthy to the point that no one wants to read my post, and so I'm not late for work,  i'll close with this:  This type of joy and delight in God and use of you in his Kingdom, can only be experienced by asking for it!  If we do not seek God, through his word and through prayer, consistently asking for this joy, we will never experience it fully.  Especially when things get a little rough.  I am not naive enough to think that this truth does not apply to me.  I would ask that you join me in asking God that I would be able to experience this joy that should fill my heart throughout this process.  Pray that you would experience it yourself!

Also please pray that my letters fall on hearts that are softened by the grace of God and on hearts that have a deep desire to be a part of the mission of God.  Thanks.

Slave to Righteousness



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