Hey guys....so I know its been a while since my last post. I haven't posted anything in a while because for some reason I always feel like every post has to include some kind of amazing story about how much support I've been getting. Since I haven't had any amazing stories, I haven't been posting. As I think back, I realize that not only should I be posting about support updates, but also about "life" updates. God has really been doing a lot in me over the last couple months and that is more important than how much support I have raised any day. God has been showing me, although it is most of the time painful and stressful, that I really can rely on nothing else but on him. I have tried to raise this support on my own so far and haven't been seeking God's provision for my life and it has showed. I want to live a life that screams my need and reliance on God and his power and sovereignty. This is one of the hardest things for me to do because I always want answers and miracles right away. If God always gave me everything I wanted, I absolutely couldn't grow into the man I believe he wants me to be. I need to remind myself of one of the first verses I ever memorized as a Christian, Phillipians 4:6-7. These verses are there to comfort our souls and quiet our worries with the "...peace of God, which surpasses all understanding..." I ask you all to pray for me, that I may let these verses speak to my heart and that I will present every request to God in prayer, even ones that don't involve support. Pray that I would rest in my identity in Christ and not in my ability to raise $6,000. My heavenly treasures are far more important and satisfying than that. Well guys.....I think I'm back!
Slave to Righteousness,